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Pages of information/posts from the old columns and articles.


Dark Galaxy has undergone different iterations over the years however these can be split into 4 d...


Details of previous/historical alliances


A collection of articles written during the early years of the game.

Separating Real Life and your DG Life from Each Other

by Lightburner Hello and welcome to this new episode of 'DG and REAL LIFE!' Here I will try to ...

The DG Forums

by Lightburner Aight, i promised to explain the forum personalities in this article, so that's w...

DG Round 1

by Lord Tino Well as most of you know this is my first round of DG and i think it's worth me tak...

What does a Successful Alliance Need?

by Xtrafresh Some alliances win, some don't. Why? Well, because the members play well. but what ...

The Players Who Play the Game

by Kreskin The Different Level of Players... Inactive: This player wandered on the Darkgalax...

Starting an Alliance

by Khevlar Many people try to start alliances or join them, but don't really know what they're g...

Too Old to Play Games?

by Postal Some of you may know me; most of you probably do not. I run an alliance in Dark Galaxy...

Retro Galaxy

by Kier Granted, I have not been with Dark Galaxy the longest, nor have I been the most involved...

A Working Day of an Ordinary Ruler

by Gledkoom The soft red light of the bigger (should I say hugger) of the twin suns that every d...

Mini Game Over

by Cadavre Well the first mini-game is over and although we didn't have anywhere near as much ti...

Mini Game 2

by Cadavre The first round of the mini game was all about who could colonise fastest and looking...

The Community of DarkGalaxy

by Naturalbornhippy The 4th round is over and so I thought I should write a column not about the...

Running With Scissors, a review

by Ib3N Running With Scissors, a review Running With Scissors - RWS has made themself a well ...

It's All About Communication

by BeckerC An important part in playing DarkGalaxy is the part of being in an alliance - sooner ...


A collections of works/stories from various authors within the community.