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The Players Who Play the Game

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by Kreskin The Different Level of Players... Inactive: This player wandered on the Darkgalax...

Updated 1 year ago by Ingus

What does a Successful Alliance Need?

Archive Articles

by Xtrafresh Some alliances win, some don't. Why? Well, because the members play well. but what ...

Updated 1 year ago by Ingus

DG Round 1

Archive Articles

by Lord Tino Well as most of you know this is my first round of DG and i think it's worth me tak...

Updated 1 year ago by Ingus

The DG Forums

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by Lightburner Aight, i promised to explain the forum personalities in this article, so that's w...

Updated 1 year ago by Ingus

Separating Real Life and your DG Life from Each Other

Archive Articles

by Lightburner Hello and welcome to this new episode of 'DG and REAL LIFE!' Here I will try to ...

Updated 1 year ago by Ingus


Archive Alliances

Updated 1 year ago by Ingus

Squadron of Light

Archive Alliances

Updated 1 year ago by Ingus

Running With Scissors

Archive Alliances

Motto: Clip Clip Clip   RWS was created on June 8th 2003. ( give or take a day ) The backgroun...

Updated 1 year ago by Ingus

Romanian Federation

Archive Alliances

Updated 1 year ago by Ingus


Archive Alliances

Updated 1 year ago by Ingus

Galactic Police

Archive Alliances

An alliance started by the original game founders Zedd & Scan, Not much is known about the early...

Updated 1 year ago by Ingus

Galactic Generation

Archive Alliances

Updated 1 year ago by Ingus

Dark Empire

Archive Alliances

Motto: Mess with the best, die like the rest

Updated 1 year ago by Ingus

Dalaran Commonwealth

Archive Alliances

Updated 1 year ago by Ingus

BlackRider Commandos

Archive Alliances

Motto: Listen closely and you will hear us coming   At the very beginning of Dark Galaxy BlackR...

Updated 1 year ago by Ingus

Angels of War

Archive Alliances

Angels of War were established in 2002 for Saturn Round 4 and lead by Father. Saturn 4 the first...

Updated 1 year ago by Ingus

Phase 3: The "New New Code" - Rounds Jupiter 1-5 and Pluto 1-3

Archive History

Again a new code base and a change in direction from the previous games. Home planets were still...

Updated 1 year ago by Ingus

Phase 2: The "New Code" - Rounds Saturn 4-8 + Mars Rounds 1-4

Archive History

After the first 3 rounds the developers chose to revamp the UI of the game along with the code be...

Updated 1 year ago by Ingus

Phase 1: Initial Code - Rounds Saturn 1 - 3

Archive History

After an initial phase of testing Round 1 began on 7th May 2001. AKA Colony Wars as there was in ...

Updated 1 year ago by Ingus

About DarkGalaxy


The core idea of the game is simple, to generate resources which will allow you to expand beyond ...

Updated 1 year ago by Riddick