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Whenever a player has a fleet in the orbit of an enemy planet, and if that fleet contains at least 1 invasion ship and soldiers, he may invade the enemy planet. An Army Barracks is required to begin Training Soldiers

Space combat

If there is an enemy fleet, you encounter a space combat before being able to invade. The invasion ship has very poor armour and fleet drive, and with all the expensive soldiers in the fleet it's very important that you provide enough Military Ships cover for this ship.

If you still have invasion ship after combat occurs, you can invade the planet even if there are enemy military ships in its orbit.


The invasion ship can carry 40,000 soldier.gif Soldiers. Invading a planet uses all invasion ships in the invading fleet and all soldiers. The workers (idle+busy) and soldiers on the surface of the planet automatically defend against invasions.

The attacker will loose 1 soldier for every 15 hostile workers to kill and 3 soldiers for every 2 defending soldiers.

The invasion is successful if the attacker kills every soldiers and workers in the planet. Then, the attacker takes control of the planet and the resources stored on it.

If the invasion fails the defender loses soldiers and defending workers depending of the number of invading soldiers, and keeps control of the planet. The attacker loses all soldiers and invasion ships that attacked. Workers are killed only after the enemy successfully killed all defending soldiers.

Attack & Defence
Name Attack Points Defence Points 1x Kills Defending  worker.gif 1x Kills Defending soldier.gif
worker.gif Worker 0 2 - -
soldier.gif Soldier 30 45 15 0.66666

Successful invasion

The invasion is successful if the attacker kills every soldiers and workers in the planet. Then, the attacker takes control of the planet and the resources stored on it.

Enemy ships in the orbit of the planet are not destroyed by invasion, so the combat will continue each turn as long as there are enemy fleets and military ships in one side.

Enemy ships that were left in the Ship Yard are destroyed during invasion.

Research points

The attacker also earns research points if invasion is succesful:successful:

  • 1 research point per 1,000 enemy soldiers killed
  • 1 research point 100,000 workers killed

Invasion failure

If the invasion fails the defender loses soldiers and defending workers depending of the number of invading soldiers, and keeps control of the planet. The attacker loses all soldiers and invasion ships that attacked. Workers are killed only after the enemy successfully killed all defending soldiers.